Little bit of ink, little bit of photoshop, few textures, kuler and a Japanese translation page give you...
a random collection of sketches, experiments and fun. Please feel free to add comments and criticism
After spending what feels like an age trying to rig sadbot properly (still not there yet) I was jonesing to animate something...anything!
So thanks to the guy at http://animationresourcecentre.blogspot.com/
I got hold of Easyman, a premade rig, from http://www.highend3d.com
After playing with the turtorial in my book, and much experimenting this weekend with serveral rigs/models i found easyman the simplest to make do what i wanted. Managed to create this in a couple of hours this evening.
I think i might add some movement in the face/mouth but one step at a time! had forgotten how much i enjoy animating more than just pretty patterns. I'm probably more excited about this than I should be, and its a simple exersise, but hey i gotta start somewhere.
any tips/constructive critism are as always welcome.