Monday, 26 May 2008

New adventures into the unknown

so am attempting to build sad lil bot from the previous post in Maya, using it as a way to learn to model, texture, light, rig and might take some time! but heres what i got done in 5 hours today, with hangover. this i feel will be a frustrating but fruitful project...many angry nights i think.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Indie Pixie

a little breather from learning maya from scratch, used faithful Kuler to get a colour pallet and have played with overlaying some textures....yes i have left her eyes blank. the singer girl its now loosely based on was utterly into her performance..hence blank eyes.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Crystal Castles

Just a quick sketch i did on the train the day after seeing the Crystal Castles in Birmingham. prefered the support acts but the lead singer was a weird dark little pixie girl. Might work on this another time into a finished image...maybe